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the Certificate in Public Leadership

The Certificate in Public Leadership (CPL) is specifically designed for all public officials, elected or appointed, and their staff. The courses are developed and conducted by faculty members of Pepperdine University. The CPL classes are offered in conjunction with iGO’s Annual Conference and Mid-Winter Conference, as well as during specific time periods online. The classes are comprehensive, focusing on the core principles of public service.

Program Guidelines:

  • Ten (10) classes taught through iGO with Pepperdine University Instructors, are required for completion of the CPL program
    • Classes taught by a previous university iGO was partnered with, through iGO or a legacy association, will also be accepted
  • In-person attendance is required at a minimum of five (5) classes either at the Annual Conference or Mid-Winter Conference
  • The remainder of the ten (10) required classes may be taken online
  • Attendance is required for at least (1) Mid-Winter Conference & (2) Annual Conferences
  • Attendance for the full three (3) hours of instruction for each class is required
  • As of Summer 2022 the annual outline of scheduled classes are:
    • Mid-Winter Conference = 2
    • Annual Conference = 2
    • Fall online = 1
    • Spring online = 1

Program Details:

  • The program is open to current iGO Members
  • Class registration fee for iGO members is $125 per class
  • Classes may be taken in any order offered
  • Upon completion of all program requirements, a Certificate in Public Leadership will be provided by Pepperdine University and will be presented at the next annual conference
Participation in the CPL program benefits public officials by providing a unique educational experience with timely topics and expert instruction, as well as offering the participant an opportunity to interact in the exchange of ideas and experiences with fellow public officials.

** Each CPL Candidate is personally responsible for tracking and maintaining records for all CPL courses they complete**
For further information contact the iGO Staff.




To apply for transcripts/graduation from iGO’s Certificate in Public Leadership (CPL) program, please fill out the following form below indicating which CPL education sessions you have attended. If you have completed 8 out of the 10 required sessions, and you have registered and intend to attend the two sessions before the iGO 2024 Annual Conference, you may apply for CPL Graduation. Within one month of submitting your completed Transcript Request Form and CPL Graduation Application to iGO (, you will receive an official transcript as well as confirmation of your qualification to graduate.

Graduation ceremony will take place during the 2024 Annual Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana.

All transcript requests (made via this completed form) should be sent to or the iGO office.

Deadline for transcript requests/applications to graduate: 14 June 2024

If you have any questions, please contact the iGO office at


Upcoming Events
Upcoming Courses

Past CPL Class List

Please use this list to help you in completing your CPL application. Contact the iGO office if you have any questions.

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iGO Fall Online:

27 October 2022
"Running for Local Office & Building a Campaign" - 
Instructor - Andrew Marc Di Giovanna

iGO 2022 Annual Conference (Indian Wells, CA):

19 June 2022
"Public Engagement: A Vital Leadership Skill - 
Instructor - Pooja Di Giovanna

19 June 2022
"Public Engagement vs Communications: What is the Difference?" -
Instructor - Pooja Di Giovanna

iGO Spring Online:

16 May-27 May 2022
"Governing the Economy (Part Two) - What's Happening and What's the
Outlook" - Instructor - Dr. Sean Jasso 

2022 Mid Winter Conference (Indian Wells, CA):

20 January 2022
"Having to Have Difficult Conversations - What it Takes" - 
Instructor - Maureen Tobin

20 January 2022
"Inclusivity and Engagement - Instructor - Pooja Di Giovanna 

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2021 Fall Online

6 December-17 December 2021
"Governing the Pandemic - What and How Did We Do?" - 
Instructor - Dr. Sean Jasso

iGO 2021 Annual Conference - New York City, NY

21 July 2021
"Measuring the Non-Financial Cost of Policies" - Instructor - Kurt Wilson

21 July 2021
"Causation and Correlation" - Instructor - Kurt Wilson

2021 Spring Online

24 March-7 April 2021
'Why Are you Complicating Everything? Achieving Simplicity While Building
Your Influence at Work" - Instructor - Dr. Sean Jasso

iGO 2021 Mid Winter Conference - (Glendale, AZ) - Postponed due to COVID

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iGO Fall Online

8 December 2020

"Policy Framework: An Introduction to Quantifying the Decision Making Process
and Evaluating Policy Outcome" - Instructor - Kurt Wilson

iGO 2020 Annual Conference (New York, NY) -Postponed due to COVID

iGO Spring Online

7 June-13 June 2020
"Alignment or Bust! Winning the Talent Game in 2020's" -
Instructor - Dr. Sean Jasso

iGO 2020 Mid Winter Conference (Isle of Palms, SC)

25 January 2020
"Performing Apolitical Duties in a Political Environment" -
Instructor - Kurt Wilson

25 January 2020
"Managing through a Crisis" - Instructor - Kurt Wilson

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iGO Fall Online:

18 Oct-1 Nov 2019
"The Strategic Leader - Mastering the Three Imperatives: Influence, Style
and Judgment - Instructor - Dr. Sean Jasso

iGO 2019 Annual Conference (Houston, TX):
Sunday, 14 July 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
"Gov 2.0: What Public Leaders Need to Know"
Instructor - Ashley Labosier

Saturday, 13 July 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
"Public Engagement: A Vital Leadership Skill"
Instructor - Ashley Labosier

iGO 2019 Mid-Winter Conference (Irvine, CA):

Monday, 7 January 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
“Leading Ethically in an Increasingly Unethical World”
Instructor- Dr. Natalie Houghtby-Haddon

Sunday, 6 January 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
“Focused Energy Leadership”
Instructor- Stefano Olmeti

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iGO 2018 Annual Conference (Houston, TX):

Tuesday, 17 July 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
“Network Leadership”
Instructor- Jing Burgi-Tian

Monday, 16 July 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
“Organizational Leadership”
Instructor- Jim Robinson

Spring 2018 Online:

19 – 29 March 2018
“Evidence-Based Management”
Instructor- Michael Lennon, CEPL

16 – 30 April 2018
“Emerging Talent Development Strategies Course”
Instructor- Lauren J. Ramsay, Ph.D., SHRM-SCP

iGO 2018 Mid-Winter Conference (San Diego, CA):

Saturday, 6 January 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Leading from Presence
Instructor- Stefano Olmeti

Friday, 5 January 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
“Understanding Information Security Risks”
Instructor- Dr. Connie Uthoff

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Fall 2017 Online:

October 30 until November 17th, 2017
“Planning, Measuring and Communicating a Program’s Public Value”
Instructor: Ted Kniker

iGO 2017 Inaugural Conference (Lake Buena Vista, FL):

Saturday, July 8, 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm
“Introduction to Enterprise Risk Management for Government Leaders”
Instructor: Dr. Bill Spinard

Saturday, July 8, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
“Organizational Leadership in a Multi-Sector Environment”
Instructor:  Dr. A.J. Robinson

Spring 2017 Online:

Monday, June 5, 2017 – Friday, June 23, 2017
“Social Media in Government”
Instructor: Jim Robinson

iGO 2017 Mid-Winter Conference (Tucson, AZ):

January 9, 2017, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
“Introduction to Organization Performance Improvement: Part Two”
Instructor: Amita Sherwood

January 8, 2017, 1:30 PM – 4:30 PM
“Introduction to Organization Performance Improvement: Part One”
Instructor: Amita Sherwood

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Joint 2016 Annual Conference (Memphis, TN):

June 30, 2016, 9:00am-12:00pm
"Managing Change and Transition"
Instructor: Darrell Harvey

June 25, 2016, 1:00pm-4:00pm
“Budget and Financial Management”
Instructor: Hyong Yi